Im glad you made a game like this. there arent many point and click games out there. this so happens to be a my favorite. Keep up the great work :)
Im glad you made a game like this. there arent many point and click games out there. this so happens to be a my favorite. Keep up the great work :)
Thanks I will!
u got a comment from evil-dog FREE 1000000 added to score XDXDXDXD jk but meh i give it a nine
jesus christ i love this game
this game is so addicting i play it everyday oh my god this game rules good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Death is here for all)cY-ccY-ccY-ccY-ccO-aag-gag-iaf-ea g-aag-c!!-gaa-caa-caa-caa-caa-c!!-gaa -gaa-c!!-gbE-gdf-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-o,-har-i eu-cfg-cjb-cjq-cke-ahT-ckN-ckj-ccQdjc QdjcQ-adj-epm-chT-ckN-ckj-cdjcQdjcQdj -acQ-ahT-cix-ciM-cjAiWjAiWjA-aiW-epm-
can-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-o,-ham-ida-cdA-cea-ce n-ceW-ada-ccA-cca-cbWcjbWcjbW-acj-ida -ccA-cca-ccjbWcjbWcj-abW-ada-cdA-cdN-
cewdWewdWew-adW-ehu-caj-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-o ,-har-ihT-cix-cjb-cjq-cke-aeu-cdI-ccW -ccQdjcQdjcQ-adj-ieu-cdI-ccW-cdjcQdjc Qdj-acQ-aeu-cfg-ciM-cjAiWjAiWjA-aiW-e pm-can-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-o
omfg i wanted to cry
very outstanding game buuuuuuuuuut.........................
.. the steering made me wanna cry it was so damn hard on the races to where i felt like i wasplaying guitar hero with my keyboard 7/10 :D (youve been Tannerd yayz)
Totallyspies is wrong but i have a bit of complaining too, why is it that when i go outside to the final part i cant move and when i do it lags? otherwise good game, and good weapons
Medals bugged :(
well i got 4 medals but only got 1 it took 3 days to beat oh well, okay game good sound lag wasbad even on low (idk what was with that i mean i have windows vista . but whatever im off topic, good game, and can't w8 for stranded
this really put my fingers to the test.. also the bosses reminded me of a japanese video game boss. if u want to check it out, go to youtube and search 4 the worlds hardest video game boss. it will be the 1 with a purplish pic. also if i had more thumbs they would all be up perfect 10
Jesus Christ man!
i went to sleep during shut and woke up to find 5 hours left noooooooooooz, also why would u only give me 50 points for beating shut?
well now i now what you mean
but now i can build a house next to my grave and mow the grass distubing my slumber
Blaze up that Lemon Haze. Ill cheef on that shit for days. That is the fuckin sitch man. Im DJ IrisHitman :]
Age 28, Male
North Forney High School
Forney, TX
Joined on 9/3/08